Blog has totally be slackin' hard with me not having a computer, BUT I finally got a job and can afford computers and other various items.It's summer time, and that means people need things to do. If you came to Pulse Wave then you know that under 21 electronic events in Fort Wayne CAN be fun and CAN bring out a decent amount of people. Well we put together another all ages event, Cerebral. Here's the FB group: We're getting a mass amount of flyers made and I'll be promoting this shit out of this event. I'm hoping to have lots of people to come out. Cause what else is better to do on a Friday night? I'm sure all of you are burnt out on the Steak N Shake/IHOP/Walmart runs cause there isn't anything else to do. Also it's cheaper than going to a movie. So why not?

Lets rave.
Hellllllzzzzzzzzzz yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!